Zoning Change

Project Description

2403 Hinkle Dr is comprised of 1.8 acres zoned Residential District 3 (R3) and is currently undeveloped. It is located next to residential lots and across from an assisted living facility. To the west is an area zoned for Public Facilities (PF), to the east and south Residential District 4 (R4), with R3 zoning to the north and south of the property. The property owner, Denton Affordable Housing Corporation, is proposing to rezone the property to add affordable multi-family housing to the area and wishes to communicate with neighbors about potential housing types.

DAHC Aerial for Website

Neighborhood Engagement

Neighborhood meetings were held April 12 and 13 to present the project. Links to the meeting presentation materials and video records are provided below.

04.12.23 | 12:00pm

04.13.23 | 6:00pm