

Our company associates are regional and national leaders in their respective fields of experience. We offer a wide range of expertise in land use planning, real estate development, economic development, public/private partnerships, strategic planning, and project management.

97 Land - Transparent

Company Leadership

Our staff are well versed in Texas land use laws and economic development tools — we can take on projects within any community in Texas or the surrounding states.

Aimee Bissett


Aimee Bissett

Aimee is a Certified Economic Developer with over 20 years of experience in leadership roles working within the public and private sectors.

Aimee has successfully facilitated over $1 billion in real estate development projects in North Texas. Her extensive experience within the public sector brings a unique perspective to the development process.

She has a deep understanding of the regulatory environments that impact real estate, entitlement and permitting processes, economic development incentives and tools, and political/public processes. She is capable of facilitating a real estate development transaction from inception to “open for business”.

Aimee lives in Celina, Texas with her husband Clint and two red-headed daughters, Taylor and Gracie. She has lived in North Texas since 1998.


Aimee's credentials include the following:

  • Certified Economic Developer (CEcD) with the International Economic Development Council
  • Public/Private Partnership Council Member with the Urban Land Institute
  • Graduate of the University of Oklahoma Economic Development Institute
  • Graduate of the International City Management Association’s (ICMA) Mid-Career Management Institute
  • Master of Public Administration (MPA) from University of Texas Arlington with emphasis areas in strategic planning, finance, and economic development
  • Undergraduate degree from Texas A&M University, Class of ‘97